Excerpt: TV Series «The Sopranos», season 2, episode 9

When I was around fourteen, my grandfather was the example of a father figure for me. In his previous life, he had been a soldier, which meant he moved around a lot. During one of these moves, my grandmother, grandfather, and mother left without a trace of their blood relative, Igor. He said he'd stay for a couple of weeks and then join them. However, a few weeks later, my grandmother received a letter saying that her son, Igor, had been killed.

Much of the goodness in me was instilled by my grandfather. His death profoundly shook me, and I withdrew into myself. The last time I felt my emotions at a full ten was when I stood by the church where they were holding my grandfather's funeral, screaming into the sky at God, surrounded by rain.

The most important thing to note: my grandfather was always gentle, despite his military past.

It's my wish that every person retains the warmth they're born with, despite this cruel and cold world.