Excerpt: movie «Calvary», scene with Mikhail

The final composition of the album, originally a track released under the project «schenkof» titled «ab Le», has now evolved with drums, saxophone, bass guitar, and greater ambiguity.

Initially, it was about love, tenderness, something bright. I think now it has taken on a shade of all-encompassing melancholy, and the light that used to shine has shifted into hope.

More contrasts have emerged.

In February 2023, I left Belarus — my homeland with living parents and a grandmother. A struggle with the draft board and futile attempts to prove my unfitness, the «kvaterni» project I worked on with my close friend Mitya, who faced the KGB, and the all-encompassing, pervasive fear that dwelled in everyone's eyes.

It's a story of love, leaving one's homeland, losing love, and solitude.

But there is hope: everything will be fine.